Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fernanda Young

"Espero que muita gente se masturbe"

Friday, October 30, 2009

a caneta do divórcio?

Essa história da canetinha que fez os dois se apixonarem - supostamente - foi ri-dí-cu-la.
insuportável e nada believable.
Será que eles vão usar essa caneta no divórcio?

Casal Somrisal

Gente, eu sei,só falo disso no Twitter, e agora aqui. Mas eu posso, sou doutora em novela: LITERALMENTE.
Por isso aqui vai:
Maneco errou na mão com Taís Araújo. Péssima Helena.
E errou na mão com essa Helena: péssima Helena.
Acertou com o Zé Mayer: O eterno Heleno.
Lília Cabral daria uma ótima Helena.
O casal somrisal=química zero (Marcos e Helena)
Casal nota dez (hipoteticamente falando, pq seria incesto)= Marcos e Luciana. Química TOTAL
A tal renatinha, versão brazuca da Amy Winehouse: está arrebentando
Família pousada xinfrim de Búzios: vômito

a seguir scenas do próxio capítulo

say anything - 20 anos

a cena mais romântica de todos os tempos!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009


estou muito preguiçosa para este blog.
só quero saber de twitter.
e de tabatha

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I am MAD about MADMAN

Não tem na-da melhor que Madman na TV hoje em dia.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Casal ícone de Woodstock continua se amando e o espírito de festival continua vivo

Quando a gente fala em Woodstock pensamos em paz amor, drogas, música, Hendrix, Joplin, lama, etc. Mas é claro que aquela foto do casal hippie se abraçando vem a mente, representando tudo de bom que o festival representava. Paz e muiiiiito amor. Um momento mágico capturado pela lente do fotógrafo, com aqula borboletinha do lado.
Sempre imaginei que os dois estavam juntinhos até hoje, era tipo uma mentirinha que eu gostava de me contar.
Mas hoje eu descobri que não era mentira coisa nenhuma! Aquele casal realmente continua casado! Na época eles tinham se conhecido há dois meses. Nick e Bobbi Ercoline, que agora tem 60 anos casaram-se dois anos depois do festival. Eles tem dois filhos e continuam felizes e morando em Orange County, NY, bem pertinho de onde foi o festival.
é mole?
É o amooooooor.
O resto é conversa.
parece que eles recentemente conheceral o fotógrafo que tirou aquela foto.
Super fofo!
Paz e amor.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Melissa Surra Ivone

Gente, no fundinho eu gostei da surra. assisti duas vezes. mas foi meio exagerada demais no quesito violencia e sangue, etc. Umas bolachas ja estava de bom tamanho...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

acho que estou ficando careca. juro

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

California dreaming

Estou movendo os pausinhos para começar a mudança de volta.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Preemie Project Appreciation Dinner

Ontem fiz um discurso para um jantar evento do Preemie Project.

Foi muito legal. Choramos e rimos.
Aqui está o meu discurso:

On March 1st, 2009, a Sunday I was 34 weeks pregnant and one day. Because I am a very prepared person – my students might call me ‘anal’- I decided to make our baby bag to take to the hospital, even though it was really early. On that Sunday my husband and I spent most of the day going to stores looking for the perfect rocking chair… But could not find one.

So we went home and decided to play some Nintendo Wii! I still think the hoola hoop game is what did it! At some point between one game and another I had to pee – I was pregnant after all and thought maybe I had lost my mucus plug. Yes, as part of being over prepared I had already taken a birthing class and a breast feeding class by my fifth month of gestation. And mucus plug was one of those things they tell you to look for as a first sign of labor. But I was only 34 weeks and decided I was mistaken. That was not my mucus plug I probably just peed in my pants a little bit, no biggie.

My husband and I went to bed at 10:30. I remember thinking – wow I cannot believe I am in bed this early. Maybe I will get some good sleep today. The classes I taught were in the evening so I did not usually get to bed until 11, when the wrestling match with pillows, mattress, sheets etc started. By then my doctor had prescribed a Benadryl right before bed because I was only getting a couple of hours of sleep and that would make me drowsy.

Good thing I did that because I actually feel asleep really quickly until I woke up at 12:30 AM. I felt something warm coming out and thought I had to pee again. I laid there for a few seconds and this feeling of ‘there is something wrong’ just took over me. I went to the bathroom and as I removed my underwear there it was – specks of blood and water on the bathroom floor.

I called the hospital and they told me to come in right away. I remember telling my husband – good thing we were prepared and made that baby bag today. Although it was not clear up to that point that our little Tabatha was coming in just a few hours. You see, we had spent the previous two Thursdays in the hospital due to contractions, having to stop them, etc, so we thought we’d probably go back home.

No matter how prepared you are, there is noting that can prepare you for a premature baby and the emotional and physical roller coaster that follows. After we were checked in things happened really fast. I had an emergency c-section because well, my water broke and the baby was breech and even though I was having contractions the previous two weeks I had none that night! I was so scared thinking I was not done “baking her” and had definitely not planned for this. But after they explained everything and we knew that was it there was really no time for planning. Five hours after I had woken up in the middle of the night to pee, Tabatha was here!

I guess having a premature baby was something I had considered. I was a preemie myself. But since my husband was two weeks late we used to joke that Tabatha was gonna be just right. But we were wrong. She didn’t really cry when she came out. She kind of gave a little scream, made us cry, but then was quiet. They rolled her little crib by my head and then took her away!!! No one had prepared me for that! That’s for sure!

What happened to having her “skin on skin” and offering her my breast right away? Things were really not going on as planned. Then it took a few hours for me to see her, after being stitched up and being in recovery, etc. Another shocker: As I sat there by her warming bed on my wheel chair I remember thinking she was really small, kind of yellow and hairy. And no one is prepared to see their baby with a bunch of wires connected to their chest, something else on her feet, tubes down her mouth and up her nose, and an IV on her head.

During her first few days of life she did not wear any clothes. None of the cute little outfits we had picked. And the worst part: I did not get to hold her until her third day of birth. Something else I was not ready for: How light she was. I thought to myself: this is it? I buy rice bags heavier than this.
By now I hope to have painted a good picture about a few surprises life throws at us. But there is more: happier ones. By the time Tabatha could wear clothes, not only were they huge on her, but they also had the feet cut off, because of the blood pressure chord, which was attached to her foot and also an IV. She looked so helpless. I remember going home that day and when I came back there was a small bag hanging on her crib.

One of the hardest parts of having a baby in the NICU, is having to leave. Afterall the obligations of everyday life are still there. I noticed her crib had the cutest little blankets and not just the plain hospital one. I looked inside the bag and thought it was a mistake and that those things belonged to a different baby.

Inside there was a knit hat, a blanket and a sleeper sack. There was a tag inside saying those things were from the preemie project. I immediately googled them and here was a very pleasant surprise: I was not prepared for this: I felt like my baby was so loved and that somebody who did not even know us, cared for the two of us. It was kind of poetic that it arrived when I was gone and it made everything all the more special.

I don’t know if people realize this, but for babies in the NICU everything counts as either a barrier to their growth or as an aid. As parents we are on a countdown to leave and to bring our babies home. One of the things Tabatha had to accomplish before going home was being able to keep up her body temperature without being swaddled in blankets. And so the sleeper sack from the preemie project works as an aid to help us accomplish that. The fact that it is made with a zipper that closes from top to bottom is another plus: that way they can make the babies nice and warm and cozy, but also, because they are open at the bottom, you can pass all the wires through that and thus the babies don’t look as scary to their parents and they more like a regular baby. I used to call Tabatha our “robot baby”.

Another barrier to taking our baby home was the fact that she was not gaining a lot of weight. By this time, we had been moved to Bay 5, because she was supposedly one of the healthiest babies. She started to lose weight and doctor Bell complained that her room was too cold. Since we had already complained about it we were really upset when he told us that, but thankfully it was fixed after a couple of days. Doctor Bell told us that babies loose body heat through their head and that she was probably working very hard on keeping her body temp and that was why she was loosing weight. And then we pulled something else from the preemie project bag: her little hat.

We had not been wearing it because it was too big for her small head – she was only 23 inches by the way, when she was born and weighed 5 lbs. The hat kept covering her entire face and we were always afraid of suffocating her when we were not around. But we folded the ends of the hat, put it on her head and watched her grow. Because of the dangers of SIDS we are not supposed to cover the babies when we bring them home. So the fact that the little blankets are not just cute and soft, but are also light and full of holes allow for some great naps on the bassinet while mommy works in the computer, does the dishes, etc. And the other blankets, the felt ones are great as crib mattress covers.

Yes, we have more than one blanket and more than one sleeper. I will keep this part of the story short and sweet. Very sweet.

To keep up with the theme of unexpected things, after 22 days in the NICU we were sent home. Tabatha had on her sleeper – believe it or not it was snowing on that day – hat, and we covered the car seat with her preemie project blanket. The family members in the waiting room outside the NICU clapped for us, cheered us on, and congratulated us. It was a wonderful day! But less than 48 hours later we were in the emergency room with Tabatha. Now we know she had a milk protein allergy but seeing bloody dippers at home after having spent weeks in the NICU was not fun!

After being in the emergency room for several hours – due to blood tests, X-rays etc, she was readmitted to the hospital. We were definitely not ready for that. It was well after midnight when my husband and I went home. But much to my delight, by the time she was back in the NICU, and we saw her the next morning, there they were: a new little hat, sleeper and blanket! Once again I felt all the love from the preemie project. After another 8 days at the NICU we finally went home. And this time it was hailing! So again, she had on her preemie hat, sleeper and blanket.

Tabatha is three months now. She’s been home for two. She is almost 12 pounds. The first time I realized she was growing was when her preemie project hat did not fit her head anymore! The same one that was too big for her was now too small. She still wears her sleeper sack on cold nights and we always cuddle with her blankets on the rocking chair we found online. I am really touched by all the love and care we felt from you!

I hope I was able to express my gratitude with this rather detailed story. I truly am thankful for all you do for the preemie babies and their parents. When Mary Faith invited me to come here to speak at this event I was so happy. When she told be back in the NICU that she was part of the preemie project family I guess I was not that surprised. It made sense. She is such a loving person, and a wonderful nurse. I will never forget the notes she left me, speaking for Tabatha.

You can’t always prepare for life’s surprises. I was definitely not ready for all the drama involving a preemie baby. And was not expecting or prepared for all the love we received from the preemie project volunteers who cared so much for our baby and made us feel so special in such a difficult time.
For that I just wanted to say three Thank yous: one for each month of her life.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Roseanne: The Miracle Pt. 1

Same thing happened to me just three months ago. Trying to stop contractions and then the baby came 6 weeks early. And stayed in the NICU for a month. She is home now and weights 12 lbs!! I saw this on TV Land the other night and cried like a baby... I was also born 2.5 months early. weigheg less than 5 lbs.

Roseanne: The Miracle Pt. 3

same blanket as my preemie Tabatha. I cried and cried when I saw this the onther night on TV Land

Bewitched "Tabatha" Promo



Ui. Que metida.

Obama Swats Fly during CNBC Interview


When your inbox shouts at yoü: "ATTENTION THIS IS NOT SPAM." You can bet it is.
- NO, I would NOT like to enlarge my penis.
I do not EVEN HAVE a penis.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

75 anos do Pato Donald hoje

Isso 'e bom ou ruim? Vc decide.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

continuando o 12 de fev

Pois é. Enquanto a enfermeira ficava comigo no quarto, Mike foi correndo em casa pegar um muda de roupas, pois a enfermeira tinha garantido que não ia me deixar sozinha.
mas a danada saiu do quarto e não me disse que o remédio para dar as contrações is me dar taquicardia.
Minha nossa, achei que ia morrer! O travesseiro ficou encharcado e o coração desparou! Apertei o botãozinho uma quatrocentasmil vezes e quando eu disse a ela que meu coração parecia que ia explodir ela disse na calma voz: ah, isso é normal, esqueci de avisar!

Bom, depois que Mike chegou ficammos assistindo reruns do Cosby Show. Na manhã seguinte conheci a Dr. Rosenthal. Ela fez uma ultrasom e descobrimos que a Tabtha estava sentada! Quando vimos ela na tela ela estava cruzando as perninhas. Uma fofinha...

Fomos para casa as 10 am.

Fomos no médico na próximasemana. Era o Ric Vanderlip e a Dr. Rosenthal veio nos ver. Ela disse que como a Tabtha estava sentada, talvez, e muito provavelmente eu teria que marcar uma cesariana, ou então eles podiam tentar virar ela no útero, mas que isso era muito dolorido e que havia riscos para o bebê.

cesariana, cesariana!!

PS. Aqui no hospital de Iowa os partos sã9 sempre normais, a não ser que haja alguma complicação...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

O mundo de Tabatha

No dia 12 de fevereiro, uma quinta feira eu não estava me sentindo bem. Tinha que ir a lecture e depois dar minhas duas aulas. Estava com muitas dores nas costas e achava que tinha contrações. Mas não era nada assim muito dolorido, só desconfortável.
Também estava vendo umas estrelinhas.
Espereo o máximmo que pude. Não queria deixar de dar aulas.
Então finalmente quando estava vendo muitas estrelas e já eram lá pelas três da tarde, resolvi que era melhor ir pro hospital. Achei que asim eu teria tempo de ter um check up e de ir a aula as 5:30. Estava redondamente enganada. Redondamente mesmo.
Quando disse pro Mike que achava melhor ir pro hospital (na verdade ligguei pra eles e descrevi meus sintomas. Tamabém não estava sentindo o bebê mexer). Eles mandaram eu ir pro hospital.
Como ligamos antes eles estavam nos esperando quando chegamos.
Conforme as coisas iam tomando forma eu ia ficando mais e mais nervosa. E minhas pernas tremiam como vara pau.
Eles colocaram dois cintos na minha barriga, ligados a uns monitores.
Um media contrações, e o outro, o batimento cardíaco do bebê (Tabatha).
Eu estava com contrações de quatro em quatro minutos!!!!
Perguntei quando ia para sair pois eu tinha que dar aulas e eles disseram que eu não ia a lugar nenhum.
Acabou que me tranferiram para o quarto do parto! Em um dado momento eles acharam que o bebê ia nascer. Chamaram a equipe toda, médicos (foi aí que conheci a aluquinha da doutora Rosenthal. Amei ela por sinal.
O Mike ligou para o professor Steve e explicou tudo.
Eles explicaram que íamos passar a noite no hospital.
Mike foi para casa pegar uma muda de roupa.
E coincidentemente naquele dia eu tinha feito a malinha do bebê, só por precaução, já que eu ainda estava muito cedo na gravidez para pensar na malinha. Afinal, a Tabatha deveria vir no dia 11 de Abril.
Enquanto o Mike foi em casa eles me deram um remédio na veia para parar as contrações, já que era muito prematuro o bebê.

Opa! Ela está chorando.
Mais depois...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Puxa, voltei.
Mas aos poucos.
Minha pequerrucha nasceu no dia 2 de marco as 5 e pouco da manha. Nao sei bem. Ja aconteceu tanto desde entao.

ela nasceu com SEIS semanas de antecedencia.
Na semana 32, na quinta a noite eu nao estava me sentindo bem e liguei pro hospital. eles queriam saber se eu estava com contracoes. Mas como eu ia saber? Nunca tinha tido contracoes antes.

Fomos pro hospital, colocada no monitor, batata: contracoes a cada quatro minutos.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Favorita

Ah, não é por mal não, mas a coisa mais legal do último capítulo foi o crédito do final. Achei fraquinhooo...

A Flora sofreu muito pouco.

Ah, foi chato.

Sunday, January 4, 2009